Nature In Your Backyard - Simple Activities for Children
by Susan S. Lang Author
(From Amazon): Children can learn by doing in a wonderful guide to the outdoors, that features twenty activities requiring a minimum of easily obtainable materials, and introduces six subject areas--insects and worms, birds, seeds, plants, animals, and soil, water, and air.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1-56294-451-7
- Print Status
- In Print
- Activities
- 20
- Pages
- 48
- Publisher
- Millbrook Press
- Copyright
- 1995
- 1 Miss Ant don't find us
- 2 Excuse me Miss Ant
- 3 A bottle of bugs
- 4 Getting worms to eat your garbage
- 5 best nest builders
- 6 what do birds like for their nests
- 7 bird feeder
- 8 how to sneak up on a bird
- 9 keeping snug in winter
- 10 footprint fun
- 11 popcorn crackling trick
- 12 Which way is up
- 13 hitchhiking seeds
- 14 make plants stretch toward the light
- 15 sunshine to green shine
- 16 What do plants need? air
- 17 Saving summer's beauty
- 18 grow a dirt garden
- 19 grow a garden on a piece of bread
- 20 water scope
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