
Jesus Our Guide (Faith and Life Serie, Book 4) with Art Titles

by Colette Ellis Author

(From Amazon): This Faith and Life student textbook incorporates the four principal components of catechesis: the Creed, the Commandments, the Sacraments and Liturgy, Prayer and Scripture. But besides giving a clear and comprehensive presentation of our faith, the student textbook is rich in artwork, both original and classical.


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Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 5th
Ignatius Press


  • 1 Pg. 12 Separation of the Earth and Water, Michaelangelo
  • 2 Pg. 14 The Expulsion from Eden, Late Byzantine ca. 1182-1192
  • 3 Pg. 15 The Toils of Adam and Eve, Late Byzantine ca. 1182-1192
  • 4 Pg. 17 Cain and Abel, Titian
  • 5 Pg. 22 The Tower of Babel, Jan Brueghel
  • 6 Pg. 25 Sacrifice of Isaac, Byzantine mosaic
  • 7 Pg. 29 Isaac Blessing Jacob, Gerbrand van den Eeckhout
  • 8 Pg. 32 Joseph Interpreting the Pharaoh's Dream, Raphael
  • 9 Pg. 36 Joseph Presents His Father and His Brothers to Pharaoh, Granacci
  • 10 Pg. 40 Four Scenes from the Exodus (detail), Botticelli
  • 11 Pg. 44 The Crossing of the Red Sea, Raphael
  • 12 Pg. 49 Scenes from the Life of Moses (detail), Roselli
  • 13 Pg. 54 Ruth and Boaz, Poussin
  • 14 Pg. 57 The Anointing of David by Samuel, Raphael
  • 15 Pg. 62 Michelangelo's David in the Piazzo della Signoria, Florence, Italy
  • 16 Pg. 66 Judgment of Solomon, Poussin
  • 17 Pg. 67 The Prophet Isaiah, Michelangelo
  • 18 Pg. 70 The Baptism of Christ (detail), Poussin
  • 19 Pg. 72 The Baptism of Christ, Bordone
  • 20 Pg. 75 The Last Supper (detail) Bassano
  • 21 Pg. 78 Adoration of the Magi, Velazquez
  • 22 Pg. 85 The Flight into Egypt, Vittore Carpaccio
  • 23 Pg. 88 Flight into Egypt (detail), Fra Angelico
  • 24 Pg. 94 The Transfiguration of Chrsit (Icon)
  • 25 Pg. 96 The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, Giovanni Lanfranco
  • 26 Pg. 100 Resurrection of Christ, Perugino
  • 27 Pg. 114 Christ and the Virgin, Santi
  • 28 Pg. 118 The Return of the Prodigal Son, Bartolome Esteban Murillo
  • 29 Pg. 122 The Holy Trinity, El Greco
  • 30 Pg. 126 Apostles, Chartres Cathedral
  • 31 Pg. 129 Plaque with Bishop, Nicolas of Verdun
  • 32 Pg. 138 Mary, Queen of Heaven, Master of the St. Lucy Legend
  • 33 Pg. 140 Adoration of the Magi (detail), Botticelli
  • 34 Pg. 142 Triptych with the Ascension of Christ, Last Judgment and Pentecost, Fra Angelico
  • 35 Pg. 146 Adoration of the Magi, Rubens
  • 36 Pg. 148 Christ, Bermejo

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