
Elements of Faith: Vol 1: Hydrogen to Tin

by Richard Duncan Author

(From Amazon): Elements of Faith, Vol. 1 examines the first 50 elements of the Periodic Table and finds meaningful insights and spiritual applications in each of them. A look at the elements can teach many lessons, from the awesomeness of God's creation to the dedication of many God-fearing scientists who have been so influential in the history of science. Add activities, quizzes, and a treasure trove of helpful information, and you have a one-of-a-kind resource every student needs!


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In Print
New Leaf Publishing Group


  • 1 Hydrogen
  • 2 Helium
  • 3 Lithium
  • 4 Beryllium
  • 5 Boron
  • 6 Carbon
  • 7 Nitrogen
  • 8 Oxygen
  • 9 Flurorine
  • 10 Neon
  • 11 Sodium
  • 12 Magnesium
  • 13 Aluminum
  • 14 Silicon
  • 15 Phosphorus
  • 16 Sulfur
  • 17 Chlorine
  • 18 Argon
  • 19 Potassium
  • 20 Calcium
  • 21 Scandium
  • 22 Titanium
  • 23 Vanadium
  • 24 Chromium
  • 25 Manganese
  • 26 Iron
  • 27 Cobalt
  • 28 Nickel
  • 29 Copper
  • 30 Zinc
  • 31 Gallium
  • 32 Arsenic
  • 33 Selenium
  • 34 Bromine
  • 35 Krypton
  • 36 Rubidium
  • 37 Strontium
  • 38 Yttrium
  • 39 Zirconium
  • 40 Niobium
  • 41 Molybdenum
  • 42 Technetium
  • 43 Ruthenium
  • 44 Rhodium
  • 45 Palladium
  • 46 Silver
  • 47 Cadmium
  • 48 Indium
  • 49 Tin
  • 50 Antimony
  • 51 Tellurium
  • 52 Iodine
  • 53 Xenon
  • 54 Cesium
  • 55 Barium
  • 56 Lanthanum
  • 57 Cerium
  • 58 Praseodymium
  • 59 Neodymium
  • 60 Promethium
  • 61 Samarium
  • 62 Europium
  • 63 Gladolinium
  • 64 Terbium
  • 65 Dysprosium
  • 66 Holmium
  • 67 Tantalum
  • 68 Tungsten
  • 69 Rhenium
  • 70 Osmium
  • 71 Iridium
  • 72 Platinum
  • 73 Gold
  • 74 Mercury
  • 75 Thallium
  • 76 Lead
  • 77 Bismuth
  • 78 Polonium
  • 79 Astatine
  • 80 Radon
  • 81 Francium
  • 82 Radium
  • 83 Actinium
  • 84 Thorium
  • 85 Protactinium
  • 86 Uranium
  • 87 Neptunium
  • 88 Plutonium
  • 89 Americium
  • 90 Curium
  • 91 Berkelium
  • 92 Californium
  • 93 Einsteinium
  • 94 Fermium
  • 95 Mendelevium
  • 96 Nobelium
  • 97 Lawrencium
  • 98 Rutherfordium and Beyond
  • 99
  • 100

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