
Righteous Warriors: Lessons from the War Chapters in the Book of Mormon

by John Bytheway Author

(From Amazon): Why are there so many wars in the Book of Mormon? Could it be that a book written "for our day" would have to prepare us to survive in a time of "wars and rumors of war," a time when Satan is at war with everything that is good? What we often call the "war chapters" in the Book of Mormon give us important insights into how to defeat Satan in our day. The pattern is clear: When the children of Lehi are successful, it’s because they make covenants first and swords later. Here are great lessons for how to live well now and eternally!


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
6th - 12th
Deseret Book Co


  • 1 Alma 43 - Prophets Know Where the Enemy Will Strike
  • 2 Alma 44 - Faith in Christ in Times of War and Peace
  • 3 Alma 45 - Expedient to Declare the Word of God
  • 4 Alma 46-47 - Don't Come Down from Your Mountain
  • 5 Alma 48 - Make Covenants, Then Make Swords
  • 6 Alma 49 - If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear
  • 7 Alma 50 - Fortifications and Watchmen on the Towers
  • 8 Alma 51 - Pride: Thinking You're Strong Makes You Weak
  • 9 Alma 52 - Don't Leave Your Stronghold!
  • 10 Alma 53 - Knowing What is True, Being True to What You Know
  • 11 Alma 54 - Fear God More Than Armies
  • 12 Alma 55 - Be Cautious That No Poison Is Administered among You
  • 13 Alma 56 - The Righteous Need Not Fear Death
  • 14 Alma 57 - Some Were About to Give Way, Some Were Firm and Steadfast
  • 15 Alma 58 - God Will Visit the Faithful with Assurances
  • 16 Alma 59 - Better to Prepare and Prevent than Repair and Repent
  • 17 Alma 60 - Cleanse the Inner Vessel
  • 18 Alma 61 - God Has Not Commanded Us to Be Subject to Our Enemies
  • 19 Alma 62 - Respond to Afflictions with Faith

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