
The Fig Tree Blossoms: Messianic Judaism Emerges

by Paul Liberman Author

(From Amazon): The fig tree is the Biblical symbol for the Jewish people. Since thousands of Jewish people are accepting Jesus as Messiah, it could be said that the fig tree is blossoming. This book answers the following questions: * What is stirring in Jewish hearts? * Why do Messianic Jews believe the Bible is true? * How does Jesus fulfill the Messianic promise? * What happened to Jews of the first century who believed in Jesus? * Why have the Jewish people not recognized Jesus as Messiah for nearly 2,000 years? * What is the real prophetic significance of the Jews being regathered in Israel? * Can these dry bones live? * How is the spiritual "Berlin Wall" between Jew and Gentile being broken down? * How is Jewish outreach different today? * What is the higher meaning of the Jewish holidays? * How are Gentiles a part of God's ultimate plan for the jews? * What is the future of Abraham descendants? --- from book's back cover

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In Print
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4th - 9th
Fountain Press, Inc.

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