
NIrV Read with Me Bible

by Dennis Jones Illustrator

(From Amazon): Parents and kids alike are instantly drawn to the Read With Me Bible for its outstanding, action-filled artwork by Dennis Jones. Mom and Dad love the way their kids respond to the bold, humorous depictions of Bible characters, and easy-to-understand stories. And now this beloved Bible storybook for 4-to-8-year-olds is updated, with even more artwork, a new typeface, and a fresh, eye-catching cover. Like the original, the new version features separate Old Testament and New Testament sections and contains 106 Bible stories based on the New International Reader's Version-(NIrV-"The NIV for Kids!").Reading to young children helps foster strong emotional bonds. Spending time together discussing the stories and interacting with the pictures also helps kids internalize the Word of God. Younger children will enjoy studying the pictures and watching the words as parents read them; early readers may want to read the stories on their own.Christian parents are always in the market for creatively designed, value-priced Bible storybooks for young children. They want a sound biblical message, but they want it packaged in a novel, state-of-the-art way. The Read With Me Bible has a proven track record of strong popularity with consumers and the updated version promises to build on this success.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years - 2nd
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  • 1 The World Begins
  • 2 The Garden of Eden
  • 3 Adam and Eve
  • 4 Adam and Eve Fall Into Sin
  • 5 Cain and Abel
  • 6 Noah's Ark
  • 7 God's Promise to Noah
  • 8 The Tower of Babel
  • 9 God's Promise to Abraham
  • 10 God Tests Abraham
  • 11 A Wife for Issac
  • 12 Esau and Jacob
  • 13 Jacob Gets the Blessing
  • 14 Jacob's Dream
  • 15 Jacob Gets Married
  • 16 Joseph's Beautiful Coat
  • 17 Joseph's Dreams
  • 18 The Brothers Sell Joseph
  • 19 Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt
  • 20 Slaves for Pharoah
  • 21 Moses is Born
  • 22 The Burning Bush
  • 23 The First Five Plagues
  • 24 Four More Plagues
  • 25 The Tenth Plague
  • 26 Leaving Egypt
  • 27 The Red Sea
  • 28 Manna and Quail
  • 29 Moses at Mount Sinai
  • 30 The Calf of Gold
  • 31 Water Out of the Rock
  • 32 The Bronze Snake
  • 33 Exploring Canaan
  • 34 The Fall of Jericho
  • 35 Gideon Wins the War
  • 36 Samson and Delilah
  • 37 Naomi and Ruth
  • 38 God Calls Samuel
  • 39 Saul Becomes King
  • 40 A New King
  • 41 David and Goliath
  • 42 Solomon Asks to Be Wise
  • 43 Solomon Judges Wisely
  • 44 Solomon Builds the Temple
  • 45 Elijah is Fed By Ravens
  • 46 Elijah Visits a Widow
  • 47 Elijah on Mount Carmel
  • 48 Elijah Goes to Heaven
  • 49 Naaman's Skin Disease
  • 50 Joash Repairs the Temple
  • 51 The Shepherd's Psalm
  • 52 A Psalm for Giving Thanks
  • 53 A Praise Psalm
  • 54 A Time for Everything
  • 55 A Very Hot Fire
  • 56 Words on the Wall
  • 57 Daniel and the Lions
  • 58 Jonah and the Huge Fish
  • 59 Mary and the Angel
  • 60 Jesus is Born
  • 61 The Shepherds and the Angels
  • 62 Taking Jesus to the Temple
  • 63 The Wise Men Visit Jesus
  • 64 The Escape to Egypt
  • 65 The Boy Jesus at the Temple
  • 66 John the Baptist
  • 67 Jesus is Baptized
  • 68 Jesus Calls the Disciples
  • 69 Jesus Changes Water to Wine
  • 70 Jesus Teaches About Praying
  • 71 A Man Who Could Not Walk
  • 72 Jesus Calms the Storm
  • 73 A Girl Who Died
  • 74 Jesus Feeds 5,000
  • 75 Jesus Walks on Water
  • 76 The Good Samaritan
  • 77 A Mary and Martha's House
  • 78 Jesus Raises Lazarus
  • 79 The Story of the Lost Sheep
  • 80 The Story of the Lost Coin
  • 81 The Story of the Lost Son
  • 82 Jesus Heals Ten Men
  • 83 Jesus and the Children
  • 84 A Very Short Man
  • 85 Jesus Enters Jerusalem
  • 86 Mary Pours Perfume
  • 87 Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
  • 88 The Lord's Supper
  • 89 Jesus Prays in Gethsemene
  • 90 Jesus is Arrested
  • 91 Jesus Goes to Pilate
  • 92 I Don't Know Him
  • 93 Jesus Dies
  • 94 Jesus is Buried
  • 95 The Tomb is Empty
  • 96 Jesus Appears to His Disciples
  • 97 Jesus Goes Up to Heaven
  • 98 The Holy Spirit Comes
  • 99 Peter Heals a Beggar
  • 100 The Man from Ethiopia
  • 101 Saul Believes
  • 102 Saul in Damascus
  • 103 Paul and Silas in Prison
  • 104 Paul Sails for Rome
  • 105 Jesus is Coming

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