Writing With Skill: Student Workbook Level One
by Susan Wise Bauer Author
These lessons (30-45 minutes per day) provide a strong foundation in composition needed for high school. The Writing with Skill Instructor Text acts as a writing coach, leading you step by step through each lesson in the student workbook, explaining specific ways to assist students (parent involvement about 15 minutes per day). Complete two lessons per week, using the first half of the book in 7th grade and the second half in 8th grade. Includes Student Workbook and Instructor Text. A thesaurus is needed for some of the lessons. We recommend Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus because of its thorough, scholarly content and ease of use.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781933339535
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 144
- Pages
- 550
- Suggested Grades
- 7th - 8th
- Publisher
- Peace Hill Press
- Edition
- Stu Wkb
- Copyright
- 2012
- 1 Week 1, Day 1: Original Narration Exercise: Polly Horvath, The Pepins and Their Problems
- 2 Week 1, Day 2: Original Narration Exercise: Joan Aiken, The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
- 3 Week 1, Day 3: Original Narration Exercise: Susan Wise Bauer, The Story of the World, Volume 3: Early Modern Times
- 4 Week 1, Day 4: Challenge Exercise: The Brothers Grimm, "The Golden Goose"
- 5 Week 2, Day 1: Introduction to Outlines
- 6 Week 2, Day 2: Outlining Exercise: Pamela Dell, Hatshepsut
- 7 Week 2, Day 3: Outlining Exercise: Michael Dempsey, The Round World
- 8 Week 2, Day 4: Outlining Exercise: Edward S. Holden, Real Things in Nature
- 9 Week 3, Day 1: Original Narration Exercise: Helen Keller, The Story of My Life
- 10 Week 3, Day 2: Thesaurus Use
- 11 Week 3, Day 3: Outlining Exercise: S. Silcox, Modern Nature Study
- 12 Week 3, Day 4: Thesaurus Use
- 13 Week 4, Day 1: Narration, Edith Nesbit, The Book of Dragons
- 14 Week 4, Day 2: Outlining- Hendrick Van Loon, The Story of Mankind
- 15 Week 4, Day 3: Analyzing the Topos: Chronological Narrative of a Past Event
- 16 Week 4, Day 4: Practicing the Topos: Alexander the Great
- 17 Week 5, Day 1: Finishing the Chronological Narrative of a Past Event
- 18 Week 5, Day 2: Outlining: Kendall Haven, 100 Great Science Discoveries of All Time
- 19 Week 5, Day 3: Analyzing the Topos: Chronological Narrative of a Scientific Discovery
- 20 Week 5, Day 4: Practicing the Topos: Edward Jenner and the Smallpox Vaccination
- 21 Week 6, Day 1: Narration- T.H. White, The Once and Future King
- 22 Week 6, Day 2: Outlining-Billye Walker Brown and Walter R. Brown, Historical Catastrophies: Hurricanes and Tornadoes
- 23 Week 6, Day 3: Analyzing the Topos-Chronological Narrative of a Past Event
- 24 Week 6, Day 4: Practicing the Topos- The Sinking of the Titanic
- 25 Week 7, Day 1: Narration- L. Frank Baum, Tik-Tok of Oz
- 26 Week 7, Day 2: Outlining- Alma Smith Payne, Discoverer of the Unseen World
- 27 Week 7, Day 3: Analyzing the Topos: Chronological Narrative of a Scientific Discovery
- 28 Week 7, Day 4: Practicing the Topos: Johannes Keppler and Planetary Orbits
- 29 Week 8, Day 1: Narration-George MacDonald, The Princess and the Goblin
- 30 Week 8, Day 2: Outlining-Thomas B. Costain, The Mississippi Bubble
- 31 Week 8, Day 3: Analyzing and Practicing the Topos, Part 1: Description of a Place
- 32 Week 8, Day 4: Analyzing and Practicing the Topos, Part 2: Neuschwanstein Castle
- 33 Week 9, Day 1: Narration-P.L. Travers, Mary Poppins in the Park
- 34 Week 9, Day 2: Outlining- Gary Blackwood, Life in a Medieval Castle
- 35 Week 9, Day 3: Analyzing and Practicing the Topos-Part 1: Description of a Place
- 36 Week 9, Day 4 Analyzing and Practicing the Topos-Part 2: A Place in Your Home or Yard
- 37 Week 10, Day 1: Narration- Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
- 38 Week 10, Day 2: Outlining- The Travels of Marco Polo
- 39 Week 10, Day 3: Analyzing and Practicing the Topos-Part 1: Description of a Place
- 40 Week 10, Day 4: Analyzing and Practicing the Topos-Part 2
- 41 Week 11, Day 1: Narration- Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer
- 42 Week 11, Day 2: Outlining- R.A. Van Middeldyk, The History of Puerto Rico
- 43 Week 11, Day 3: Analyzing the Topos- Roy Adkins, Nelson's Trafalgar
- 44 Week 11, Day 4: Practicing the Topos- Ivan the Terrible and St. Basil's Cathedral
- 45 Week 12, Day 1: Narration- Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles
- 46 Week 12, Day 2: Outlining-Ian Ridpath, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Space
- 47 Week 12, Day 3: Analyzing the Topos-Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
- 48 Week 12, Day 4: Practicing the Topos- Volcanoes
- 49 Week 13, Day 1: Narration-Norwegian folktale, "Why the Sea Is Salt"
- 50 Week 13, Day 2: Outlining- A. W. Greely, The Greely Arctic Expedition
- 51 Week 13, Day 3: Analyzing the Topos- Scientific Description
- 52 Week 13, Day 4: Practicing the Topos- Volcanoes
- 53 Week 14, Day 1: Narration- Rudolf Erich Raspe, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
- 54 Week 14, Day 2: Outlining- Anna Botsford Comstock, Handbook of Nature Study
- 55 Week 14, Day 3:Analyzing the Topos-Scientific Discription
- 56 Week 14, Day 4: Practicing the Topos- The Planet Mars
- 57 Week 15, Day 1: Narration- Jim Kjelgaard, Big Red
- 58 Week 15, Day 2: Outlining- Margery and Howard Facklam, Changes in the Wind
- 59 Week 15, Day 3: Analyzing the Topos-Chronological Narrative that Includes Scientific Description
- 60 Week 15, Day 4: Practicing the Topos- Deep-Ocean Hydrothermal Vents
- 61 Week 16, Day 1: Outlining- Gladys Edson Locke, Queen Elizabeth
- 62 Week 16, Day 2: Analyzing the Topos- Description of a Person
- 63 Week 16, Day 3: Practicing the Topos- Ludwig van Beethoven
- 64 Week 16, Day 4: Copia Exercise- using the thesaurus to improve writing
- 65 Week 17, Day 1: Outlining- Issac Newton Arnold, The History of Abraham Lincoln
- 66 Week 17, Day 2: Analyzing the Topos- Conveying Positive or Negative Impressions
- 67 Week 17, Day 3: Practicing the Topos- Isaac Newton
- 68 Week 17, Day 4: Copia Exercise- Transforming Nouns and Adjectives
- 69 Week 18, Day 1: Outlining- Matthew Pilkington, A General Dictionary of Painters
- 70 Week 18, Day 2: Analyzing the Topos- Using a Metaphor to Organize a Description
- 71 Week 18, Day 3: Practicing the Topos- Henry VIII
- 72 Week 18, Day 4: Copia Exercise- Transforming Active and Passive Verbs
- 73 Week 19, Day 1: Outlining- Standard Classics, WIth Biographical Sketches and Helpful Notes (Edgar Allan Poe)
- 74 Week 19, Day 2: Analyzing the Topos- Biographical Sketch
- 75 Week 19, Day 3: Practicing the Topos- Writing a Biographical Sketch
- 76 Week 19, Day 4: Copia Exercise- Transforming Active and Passive Verbs
- 77 Week 20, Day 1: Outlining- Thomas Heath, Archimedes
- 78 Week 20, Day 2: Analyzing the Topos- Biographical Sketch Focusing on Achievement
- 79 Week 20, Day 3: Practicing the Topos- William Shakespeare
- 80 Week 20, Day 4: Copia Exercise- Indirect Objects and Prepositional Phrases
- 81 Week 21, Day 1: Outlining- The Life Cycle of Salmon
- 82 Week 21, Day 2: Analyzing the Topos- Sequence: Natural Process
- 83 Week 21, Day 3: Practicing the Topos- The Death of a Star
- 84 Week 21, Day 4: Copia Exercise- Infinitives to Participles
- 85 Week 22, Day 1: Outlining and Topos Review- William James Burroughs, The Climate Revealed
- 86 Week 22, Day 2: Practicing the Topos, Part 1-The Octopus
- 87 Week 22, Day 3: Practicing the Topos, Part 2- The Octopus
- 88 Week 22, Day 4: Copia Exercise-Review Transforming Sentences
- 89 Week 23, Day 1: Read Rudyard Kipling "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"
- 90 Week 23, Day 2: Think
- 91 Week 23, Day 3: Write
- 92 Week 23, Day 4: Literary Language
- 93 Week 24, Day 1: Read: Guy de Maupassant, "The Necklace"
- 94 Week 24, Day 2: Think
- 95 Week 24, Day 3: Write
- 96 Week 24, Day 4: Literary Language
- 97 Week 25, Day 1: Read: Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
- 98 Week 25, Day 2: Think
- 99 Week 25, Day 3: Write
- 100 Week 25, Day 4: Using Direct Quotes
- 101 Week 26, Day 1: Read: Arthur Machen,, "The Bowmen"
- 102 Week 26, Day 2: Think
- 103 Week 26, Day 3: Write
- 104 Week 26, Day 4: Reviewing Terms and Forms
- 105 Week 27, Day 1: Introduction to Two-Level Outlining: Patricia Buckley Ebrey, et al.
- 106 Week 27, Day 2: Outlining- Albert E. McKinley et al, The World War
- 107 Week 27, Day 3: Outling- Earth's Changing Environment
- 108 Week 27, Day 4: Outling- L. R. F. Griffin, "Study of Giant Trees"
- 109 Week 28, Day 1: Outlining- Jacob Abbott, History of King Charles the First of England
- 110 Week 28, Day 2: Documentation
- 111 Week 28, Day 3: Avoiding Plagiarism
- 112 Week 28, Day 4: Taking Notes: Julius Caesar
- 113 Week 29, Day 1: Practicing the Topos- Part 1: Taking Notes
- 114 Week 29, Day 2: Practicing the Topos- Part 2: The Chronological Narrative
- 115 Week 29, Day 3: Practicing the Topos- Part 3: The Personal Description
- 116 Week 29, Day 4: Practicing the Topos- Part 4: The Place Description
- 117 Week 30, Day 1: Outlining- Anthony L. Komaroff, Harvard Medical School
- 118 Week 30, Day 2: Practicing the Topos, Part 1: Taking Notes: Digestion
- 119 Week 30, Day 3: Practicing the Topos, Part 2: Write
- 120 Week 30, Day 4: Copia Exercise: Main Verbs and Infinitives
- 121 Week 31, Day 1: Outlining- Catharine M. C. Haines, International Women in Science
- 122 Week 31, Day 2: Practicing the Topos, Part 1: Taking Notes: Marie Antoinette
- 123 Week 31, Day 3: Practicing the Topos, Part 2: Organizing the Biographical Sketch
- 124 Week 31, Day 4: Practicing the Topos, Part 3: Writing the Biographical Sketch
- 125 Week 32, Day 1: Read: Edgar Allan Poe, "The Bells"
- 126 Week 32, Day 2: Analyze
- 127 Week 32, Day 3: Think
- 128 Week 32, Day 4: Write
- 129 Week 33, Day 1: Read: Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Ozymandias"
- 130 Week 33, Day 2: Analyze
- 131 Week 33, Day 3: Think
- 132 Week 33, Day 4: Write
- 133 Week 34, Day 1: Read: Alfred Lord Tennyson, "The Charge of the Light Brigade"
- 134 Week 34, Day 2: Analyze (Ballad Form)
- 135 Week 34, Day 3: Think
- 136 Week 34, Day 4: Write
- 137 Week 35, Step 1: Decide which topoi to include
- 138 Week 35, Step 2: Collect Resources
- 139 Week 35, Step 3: Do initial reading
- 140 Week 35, Step 4: Choose final resources
- 141 Week 36, Step 1: Make a preliminary plan
- 142 Week 36, Step 2: Take notes
- 143 Week 36, Step 3: Write the topoi
- 144 Week 36, Step 4: Assemble the composition
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