
Nancy Larson Science 1

by Nancy Larson Author


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Nancy Larson Publishers


  • 1 Describing what scientists do
  • 2 Ordering photographs of people from youngest to oldest
  • 3 Identifying characteristics of toddlers
  • 4 Identifying characteristics of children
  • 5 Identifying characteristics of adolescents
  • 6 Identifying characteristics of adults
  • 7 Classifying photographs according ot teh sages of life
  • 8 Describing the stages of life
  • 9 Identifying our homes as part of our habitat
  • 10 Identifying places in our habitat
  • 11 Identifying animals and plants in our habitat
  • 12 Assessment 1: Life Science-Stages of Life
  • 13 Identifying what plants need to live/Identifying parts of plants
  • 14 Identifying that plants are living organisms/Identifying and labeling the parts of a plant
  • 15 Identifying trees in our habitat/Identifying the parts of trees
  • 16 Observing and comparing leaves
  • 17 Identifying and labeling the parts of a tree
  • 18 Identifying the characteristics of shrubs/Laveling the parts of a shrub
  • 19 Assessment 2: Botany-Plants, Trees, Shrubs
  • 20 Identifying broad leaves and needles
  • 21 Identifying deciduous and evergreen tress and shrubs/Identifying how deciduous trees change during the year
  • 22 Identifying the seasons of the year/Identifying how an apple tree changes during the year
  • 23 Describing how deciduous trees change during the year/Identifying how deciduous trees produce fruit
  • 24 Observing and describing the seeds of broad-leaved trees
  • 25 Observing and describing the cones and the seeds of conifers
  • 26 Identifying the life stages of treese
  • 27 Identifying the age of trees
  • 28 Identifying how trees are used
  • 29 Assessment 3: Botany-Trees, Seasons, Seeds
  • 30 Investigating what the Sun gives us
  • 31 Observing how shadows are formed when sunlight is blocked
  • 32 Observing how the rotation of Earth causes day and night
  • 33 Identifying and describing where bodies of water are found
  • 34 Observing how water changes state/Predicting and comparing the ability of containers to collect rainwater
  • 35 Identifying and describing how human beings use water
  • 36 Identifying ways to conserve natural resources
  • 37 Observing and describing soil
  • 38 Assessment 4: Earth and Space-Sunlight, Water, Soil
  • 39 Identifying animals from photographs/Sorting animals by land and water habitats
  • 40 Identifying animals that live in land habitats: forest, desert, and grassland
  • 41 Identifying animals that live in water habitats: pond, ocean, and ice
  • 42 Identifying how animals use camouflage
  • 43 Identifying what animals need to live/Classifying animals as herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores
  • 44 Identifying how animals adapt to seasonal changes
  • 45 Identifying mammals and their characteristics
  • 46 Assessment 5: Zoology-Animals and Their Habitats
  • 47 Identifying parts of the human body
  • 48 Identifying the function of parts of the human body
  • 49 Identifying the function of the skeletal system/Identifying bones in the skeletal system
  • 50 Identifying the joints and their functions
  • 51 Identifying the functions of muscles
  • 52 Identifying the function of skin/Examining and comparing fingerprints
  • 53 Identifying the function and parts of the digestive system
  • 54 Identifying the function and parts of the respiratory system
  • 55 Identifying the function and parts of the circulatory system
  • 56 Identifying the function of the brain
  • 57 Identifying ways to keep our bodies healthy
  • 58 Assessment 6: Anatomy-Parts of the Human Body
  • 59 Identifying the number of legs on insects/Identifying and observing butterflies in the second stage of life
  • 60 Identifying characteristics of butterflies and moths
  • 61 Identifying the life cycles of butterflies and moths
  • 62 Identifying and observing ladybird beetles in the second stage of life
  • 63 Identifying the characteristics of ladybird beetles
  • 64 Identifying the life cycles of ladybird beetles
  • 65 Describing the characteristics and life cycles of grasshoppers
  • 66 Identifying and describing the parts of insects' bodies
  • 67 Describing the characteristics of spiders
  • 68 Describing the life cycles of spiders
  • 69 Comparing, sorting, and graphing insects and spiders
  • 70 Review: Entomology-Life Cycles of Insects
  • 71 Assessment 7: Entomology-Life Cycles of Insects

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