
From Colonies to Country: 1735-1791 A History of US Book 3

by Joy Hakim Author

(From Amazon): How did compliant colonials with strong ties to Europe get the notion to become an independent nation? Perhaps the seeds of liberty were planted in the 1735 historic courtroom battle for the freedom of the press. Or maybe the French and Indian War did it, when colonists were called "Americans" for the first time by the English, and the great English army proved itself not so formidable after all. But for sure when King George III started levying some heavy-handed taxes on the colonies, the break from the motherland was imminent. With such enthralling characters as George Washington, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Eliza Pinckney, and Alexander Hamilton throughout, From Colonies to Country is an amazing story of a nation-making transformation.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 12th
Oxford University Press, USA
3rd revised


  • 1 Freedom of the Press
  • 2 Jenkins' Ear
  • 3 Frenchmen and Indians
  • 4 A Most Remarkable Man
  • 5 Pitt Steps In
  • 6 Au Revoir (France) France
  • 7 Staying in Charge
  • 8 What is an American?
  • 9 A Girl Who Always Did Her Best
  • 10 The Rights of Englishmen
  • 11 A Taxing King
  • 12 The Firebrands
  • 13 A Massacre in Boston
  • 14 One if by Land, Two if by Sea
  • 15 An American Original
  • 16 On the Way to the Second Continental Congress
  • 17 Naming a General
  • 18 The War of the Hills
  • 19 Fighting Palm Trees
  • 20 Declaring Independence
  • 21 Signing Up
  • 22 Revolutionary Women & Children
  • 23 Freedom Fighters
  • 24 Soldiers from Everywhere
  • 25 Black Soldiers
  • 26 Fighting a War
  • 27 Howe Billy Wished France Wouldn't Join In
  • 28 Valley Forge to Vincennes
  • 29 The States Write Constitutions
  • 30 More About Choices
  • 31 When It's Over, Shout Horray
  • 32 Experimenting with a Nation
  • 33 Looking Northwest
  • 34 A Man with Ideas
  • 35 A Philadelphia Welcome
  • 36 Summer in Philly
  • 37 A Slap on the Back
  • 38 Roger to the Rescue
  • 39 Just What is a Constitution
  • 40 Good Words and Bad
  • 41 No More Secrets
  • 42 If You Can Keep It

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