Search Results
Search criteria: keywords: Marie
Mary Cassatt: An Artist's Life [SCM]
by Nancy Plain
A well-documented narrative of the artist's evolving personality and her relationships with famil...
Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! [SCM]
by Marilyn Burns
The seating for a family reunion gets complicated as people rearrange the tables and chairs to se...
How Many Feet? How Many Tails? [SCM]
by Marilyn Burns
As two children take a walk with their grandfather, they use their counting skills to help answer...
The Apple and the Arrow [SCM]
The story of William Tell: his famous shot, his arrest, escape, and the daring revolt of the Swis...
Le Francais Facile, Level 1 [SCM]
by Marie Filion
A gentle program that makes French fun and easy, with interesting, funny stories, songs, and Fren...
El Espanol Facil, Level 1 [SCM]
by Marie Filion
A gentle program that makes Spanish fun and easy, with interesting, funny stories, songs, and Spa...
Travels in West Africa [SCM]
by Mary Kingsley
Mary Kingsley's account of her travels through West Africa during the Victorian era. Contains viv...
Mary, Queen of Scots: Queen Without a Country (Edition: Royal Diaries series) [SCM]
by Kathryn Lasky
Mary, the young Scottish queen, is sent a diary from her mother in which she records her experien...
Marie Antoinette: Princess of Versailles (Edition: Royal Diaries series) [SCM]
by Kathryn Lasky
Thirteen-year-old Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna, daughter of Empress Maria Theresa, begins a jour...
A Dolphin Named Bob [SCM]
A sick dolphin is nursed back to health at an aquarium and years later has a baby that becomes th...
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