Tags: plutarch
Ambleside Online: Plutarch's Life of Marcus Cato the Censor
The life of Marcus Cato with a great study guide by Anne White. This study guide includes Plutar...
The Plutarch Primer: Publicola
by Anne E. White
(From Amazon): Publicola, one of the first consuls of the Roman Republic, was “the most eminent a...
The Plutarch Project, Volume One: Marcus Cato the Censor, Philopoemen, and Titus Flamininus (Volume 1)
by Anne E. White
(From Amazon): British educator Charlotte Mason saw Plutarch's Lives as key to the study of Citiz...
Plutarch's Life of Themistocles - AmblesideOnline
by Sir Thomas North, adapted by Anne White
AmblesideOnline: Plutarch's Life of Themistocles with study guide Plutarch's Lives of the Noble...
Stories from the History of Rome (Yesterday's Classics)
by Mrs. Beesly
(From Amazon): Stories from the history of Rome for the youngest children, selected with a view t...
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